Monday, August 4, 2008


Though we never have given a name to our group, I Zeph (as I shall be known), have now given a name to our group--Triangle DnD. The chronicling of adventures is the sole purpose of this blog. So for any others who may stumble upon these posts, our group plays Dungeons and Dragons, hence the name DnD. If you are entertained, intrigued, or otherwise interested, that's fine, but if not, that's not why this blog is here. Other members of the group will post things as well, so forgive any confusion that the change in perspective or writing styles may cause. We more or less got our start last year, 2007, but only now are we chronicling our adventures or misadventures as they may be at times. We finished our first campaign in May, and we have now started on a sequel of sorts. But more on this in the next post.

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